Alfreton Park School
Alfreton Park
Wingfield Road
DE55 7AL

Headteacher – Josie O’Donnell (Named SENDCo)

Telephone: 01773 483330


General enquiries:

Enquiries for the headteacher:



Headteacher: Josie O’Donnell

Deputy Headteacher: Emma Durham

Assistant Headteacher: Marie McCuaig

Assistant Headteacher: Clare Charlesworth

Assistant Headteacher: Leanne Squires

Chair of Governors: John Glasby

School Business Manager: Rebecca Dallman

PA to Headteacher: Kim Knowles

School Business Officer: Toyah Ridgway

Senior Business Assistant: Holly England

School Business Assistant / Clerk to Governors: Jane Osment

School Business Assistant: Claire Fowkes

Site Manager: Doug Eyre

Should you require a paper copy of anything off the website please contact the main school office