If you would like to visit the school and find out more about our provision and curriculum,  we offer set dates throughout the year where we are able to facilitate this.

Please call 01773 483330 to book a place on the next available school tour.

Pupils can arrive at Alfreton Park School at any time in their school career. Some arrive when they are three years old and join our Early Years group.

Many pupils transfer to Alfreton Park School from mainstream schools as the educational gap widens and they need our specialist support.

We are a Local Authority Maintained Special School catering for 129 young people in Key Stages 1 – 5.

All children attending Alfreton Park School must have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP).

Children attending have a range of needs including Severe Learning Disabilities,  Autism Spectrum Disorders and associated Communication Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and many more.

The school does not cater for pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs with no learning difficulties.

Pupils here at Alfreton Park are working significantly below Age Related Expectations (ARE).

A significant number of pupils choose to enter our Sixth Form group which specialises in independence-related learning and prepares pupils for the next steps in their life.

Admissions can take place at any time during the school year and are arranged through the Local Authority (LA).

Parents should consult the Local Offer:


and /or the Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND – Email: ias.service@derbyshire.gov.uk Telephone: 01629 533668

Or, email: sen.admin@derbyshire.gov.uk

Alfreton Park School is one part of the Special Education provision within Derbyshire and the Local Authority has ultimate responsibility and discretion for placing pupils at Alfreton Park School.

Special Needs Section
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall

Telephone number:- 01629 580000

Admissions procedure:

  1. Parents look round the school
  2. Parent request a place at the school by contacting the Special Needs Section at Derbyshire County Council
  3. Special Needs Section at Derbyshire County Council consider the parents views and the reports that have been sent to them (usually from an Educational Psychologist and Health Professionals)
  4. Special Needs Section discusses the pupils individual needs, whether they can be met at Alfreton Park School and the availability of a place with the school
  5. Special Needs Section then take the placement decision.

During periods where the school is oversubscribed, factors such as

  • existing siblings at the school
  • location
  • individual circumstances
  • suitability of the school

will be taken into account.

During one of our pre-bookable tours, Josie O’Donnell Headteacher will deliver a presentation about our curriculum, vision and values and members of the senior leadership team will give you a guided tour of our facilities.

Following confirmation of a place at the school, Our family support Officer Sharon will visit the family and make links with any previous school setting.  We try to ensure that transition visits can be made and that pupils are well supported to make the move to Alfreton Park as smooth and stress free as possible for pupils and their families.

Admissions Policy


Missing Pupils Policy

Re: Moving / Transferring Schools

It is important that parents keep the Headteacher informed when they are considering changing schools, as we have a duty to inform the Authority of any child that we believe has left our school and has not provided forwarding information on their destination and education provision. If we are unable to establish your child’s new school, we would have to refer them as a missing child to Education Welfare Services. As a result, your child’s name may be kept on a missing register and efforts will be made to trace them. It is also important to know about a new school so that we can send on your child’s records.

At the point when you have decided to change school, please ask the school office for a Pupil Exit Form. If you are concerned that the details of your destination should not be shared with anyone but the Headteacher, please discuss this with him/her. S/he will be able to ensure that access to your new address details is restricted appropriately.