The School Day

School starts at 9.00am and finishes at 3.30pm.


Please inform the school by telephone if your child is ill or absent for any other reason.

If you do not let us know when and why your child is absent then we are obliged to record it as an unauthorized absence or truancy!


Please do not take your holidays during the school term times. If you have to take your child out of school during term time please apply to the secretary for a permission form. The Headteacher is no longer able to approve leave for pupils unless there are exceptional circumstances.


All visitors and staff are requested to sign in.

We have entrance security and Assa one-way locks fitted on to school doors.

Pupils are closely supervised at all times.

The pupils are all taught about keeping safe and we help them to develop appropriate independence skills.

Charging for school activities

Thank you for your donations towards the costs of cookery, tuck etc. Each class will let you know the details of their requirements.

We are also pleased to receive the voluntary contributions towards the cost of educational day trips and holidays. These activities reinforce many of the skills taught in school in a practical manner.

No pupil will be disadvantaged because of parents’ inability to pay, but some activities may not be able to continue if insufficient funds are raised.

Dress Code

Pupils may wear any clothes to school provided they are suitable for the activities planned on the timetable. Class staff will let you know what is required.

We do have a school uniform which you may wish to purchase. It is available here.

Please label your child’s clothes and provide a spare set in case of accidents if necessary.

PE Kit

Class staff will let you know the details of PE kit required and when it is needed in school. All pupils need at least shorts, polo and pumps and preferably jogging bottoms and sweatshirt.  A swimming kit is also needed.

In addition, we ask that all pupils have a waterproof trousers, jacket and Wellington boots in school to enable outdoor sessions whatever the weather.

Sunny Days

Please ensure that during summer pupils have sun cream and a sun hat in school


We take photographs of the pupils on a regular basis, usually as part of their curricular activities. Occasionally photos will be used to publicise events at the school and may involve the press, please let the secretary know if you do not want your child’s photo to be used out of school.

Behaviour Management

The Governors have delegated the day to day responsibility for discipline within the school to the Headteacher, in line with policies issued by the LA (Local Authority) and DCSF (Department for Children.)

We work on the principles of positive assertive language and consistent firm boundaries. We celebrate achievement and do not impose sanctions; rather we use “choice”. Staff have had training in moving pupils safely if necessary.

Your child will normally only be assisted to move physically either as a gentle prompt or encouragement to move in the required direction, or if there is a safety issue.

Your child may have an individual behaviour plan which class staff will share with you and demonstrate and agree physical movements with you. We take a minimalist, careful approach and prevention and early intervention are our main strategies in managing challenging behaviour.

If you would like to talk through behaviour management with class staff, the behaviour management co-ordinator, the school nurse or Headteacher we will be happy to provide a listening ear and support. We can ask for further advice through the educational psychology service and the health service.

A pupil may also need support, assistance or lifting to move about the school environment which would be a Health & Safety/ Manual handling Issue!

School Closure

If the school needs to close due to adverse weather we will endeavour to send all parents and transport staff a text message. Please ensure we have up to date mobile phone numbers in the office.

If we need to close during the school day we will ensure that all parents are contacted so please make sure you can be contacted at all times.

School closures will also be announced on