Whatever the nature of the local community, our students are growing up in a diverse society where they are subject to various attitudes towards minority groups, certain images of these groups portrayed by the media, and their own unconscious bias.
The school’s Equality Objectives should be read in conjunction with the Accessibility Policy and the Equality and Diversity Policy.
The school, in common with all public bodies, has a duty to:
• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
• Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
The School has a responsibility to broaden the horizons of our children and young people. We strive to overcome disadvantage and stand against all forms of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Our equality objectives, as agreed with the Governing Body are:
- To promote cultural understanding and awareness, valuing and celebrating various cultures and religious beliefs amongst different ethnic groups within our school community.
- To monitor and promote the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school.
- To provide appropriate and early pastoral interventions for students to promote positive behaviour and inclusion for all groups.
- To ensure accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching.
- To achieve the Rainbow Flag Award to further promote LGBT+ inclusion and visibility.