World Book Day 2023

We will be celebrating World Book Day in school on Wednesday 1st March.
As a school we will be exploring the text by Charlie Mackesey ‘The Boy, the mole,
the fox and the horse’ across school, enjoying activities linking to this. Through this
story we will also be learning about love, friendship, life lessons, confidence and self-esteem.
Even though we are using one book for our focus on the day, we are encouraging
pupils to bring in their own favourite story for a class ‘Show and Tell’ session, a story,
book, comic, magazine or text that makes you feel happy or good about yourself!
Fancy dress is optional, either any character from a story or wear pyjamas- like they
would if they reading their bedtime story.
A free book token will be coming home over the next few days and this can be
exchanged at participating retailers.
We hope to promote reading for pleasure on this day.

Many thanks,
Charlotte Young
Assistant Head