Promoting Fundamental British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is “right” and “wrong”, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

The school have a commitment to promoting British Values and ensuring that are pupils are brought up in an environment that encourages understanding, respect and tolerance of different cultures and beliefs. The curriculum actively promotes respect for democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty.

Our school culture encourages a deep understanding and high respect for individual differences and tolerance of individual needs.

Examples of how we promote British Values

  • School Council have delivered and donated food to a local food bank, interviewed a local business owner regarding a donation to the new school build and made decisions on the plans of the new school build.   They have informed Governors of decisions made in school and events planned. These activities support students to help to develop an understanding of democracy and encourages pupils to take part in decision making.
  •  Pupils are listened to and are encouraged to ensure that their points of view are listened to.
  • Pupils have reviewed school meal provisions and fed back to catering services.
  • Pupils have taken part in elections of representatives for schools council/forum.
  • Pupils took part in recruitment of the Head and the review of the school vision.
  •  Pupils have taken part in reviewing and reinforcing school rules. Pupils develop strong moral values and support of peers to maintain these values is often evident throughout the school.
  • A strong emphasis on individuals’ behaviour and support to manage their own behaviour is effective in supporting individual liberty and developing a culture of anti-bullying.
  • A rich menu of culturally diverse experiences and an acceptance of individual differences across the school supports our pupils in developing a strong ethos of respect and tolerance.
  • Pupils have been involved in  Comenius [now known as Erasmus (European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students)]. We have completed three projects which is based on Music ‘Save our Songs’, recycled art and sculpture. Many pupils from across the school have experienced travelling to various countries through the programme as well as hosting visitors from other countries.
  • The schools strong focus on meeting individual needs reinforces the ethos of accepting all differences and pupils develop an understanding and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.

How we teach British Values

This forms an integral part of the curriculum and is taught throughout the school day.

Formal sessions such as RSHE, RE and self-advocacy will address issues such as rights and responsibilities, anti-bullying, cultural diversity, acceptance of and promotion of individual difference, acceptable behaviours and understanding the need for rules and laws.

These concepts are reinforced across the curriculum and may be incorporated in all aspects of school life.

Nurturing sessions, Thrive, Zones of Regulation and Forest Schools activities promote pupils understanding of self and others encouraging sharing, turn taking, taking responsibility for and caring for our environment. Pupils are encouraged to reflect directly on their own behaviours and support peers to behave an in appropriate manner.

Pupils are encouraged at all times to take pride in being part of the school and to take care of their environment.

Residential and non-residential off-site experiences are used to develop a greater understanding of the diversity in British life and other cultures including visiting other countries.

In school visiting productions and workshops add to pupils learning. Recently these have included visits from Jess the Vet, Open the book, Sensory Strings and a week of exciting STEAM activities.